Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Beer Digest -- 05.19.2011

Back at it, yet again with a big day for news.

The Bruery announced its Project Quercus Maximus. The highlight is that the brewery has leased a new warehouse that will hold THOUSANDS of barrels for an expanded barrel series. With this, The Bruery will be cutting Orchard White from production and making Rugbrod available only in the fall and winter. Hottenroth will be available in the spring and summer.

New Belgium -- following in the footsteps of Sierra Nevada's recent announcement -- also plans to open an East Coast brewery. This will increase production and reduce the environmental impact of sending beer to the East Coast. This falls on the hells of the brewery's announcement that it will expand its distribution to Virginia, DC, and Maryland by the end of 2011.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daily Beer Digest - 05.05.2011

Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams) announced that its shipments were up 10% in the first quarter of 2011.

Founders line of 750mL releases -- the "Backstage Series" -- will start up this summer with the return of Blushing Monk, a Belgian-style beer with raspberries. Future beers will include some of the "one-off" beers from Founders' taproom, though there was no mention of any beers in particular. While CBS and Black Biscuit are not taproom-only, we can all hope those will be part of the series at some point.

Cigar City bottled Batch 4 of 110k+OT today. The beer will be a hoppy imperial amber.